Presidental Candidates on Space

I edited out the ones who are out or have no chance:

Hillary Clinton
"Hillary will enhance American leadership in space, including:
Pursuing an ambitious 21st century Space Exploration Program, by implementing a balanced strategy of robust human spaceflight, expanded robotic spaceflight, and enhanced space science activities.
Developing a comprehensive space-based Earth Sciences agenda, including full funding for NASA's Earth Sciences program and a space-based Climate Change Initiative that will help us secure the scientific knowledge we need to combat global warming.
Promoting American leadership in aeronautics by reversing funding cuts to NASA's and FAA's aeronautics R&D budget."

Sounds good.
Barack Obama
"Barack Obama's early education and K-12 plan package costs about $18 billion per year. He will maintain fiscal responsibility and prevent any increase in the deficit by offsetting cuts and revenue sources in other parts of the government. The early education plan will be paid for by delaying the NASA Constellation Program for five years"

Hmmm. I guess he is out.
Rudy Giuliani

Not much to go on.
Mike Huckabee
In response to the following question: "Is there a candidate amongst you willing to take a pledge on behalf of the Mars Society of sending an American to the surface of Mars by 2020? If not, what is your vision for human space exploration?"
"Whether we ought to go to Mars is not a decision that I would want to make, but I would certainly want to make sure that we expand the space program, because every one of us who are sitting here tonight have our lives dramatically improved because there was a space program — whether it's these screens that we see or the incredible electronics that we use, including the GPS systems that got many of you to this arena tonight.
"Some of you were late because you didn't have one, by the way. Or whether it's the medical technologies that saved many of our lives or the lives or our families, it's the direct result of the space program, and we need to put more money into science and technology and exploration.
"Now, whether we need to send somebody to Mars, I don't know. But I'll tell you what: If we do, I've got a few suggestions, and maybe Hillary could be on the first rocket to Mars."
Source: Republican Presidential Debate, November 28, 2007

Sounds promising, but mostly a platitude; no committment.
John McCain
"When asked about their candidates' positions on the moon-Mars project, a spokeswoman for Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) did not respond."
Source: Washington Post, "Clinton Favors Future Human Spaceflight"

Hmmm. Not good
Mitt Romney
"Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's campaign responded by providing an article from the Florida Today newspaper that said: 'During the first campaign visit to the Space Coast by a 2008 presidential candidate, Republican Mitt Romney said he supports Bush's vision for space exploration and has no reason yet to propose a new direction.'"
Source: Washington Post, "Clinton Favors Future Human Spaceflight"

Now you are talking!
Fred Thompson
Nothing I could find beyond missile defense.

He's out.
Based on this, Clinton and Romney sound the best. Obama is definitely out. If Constellation gets delayed 5 years it is dead.


John Benac said…
Barack Obama has come out with a further statement on his space policy beyond what you have written here. It takes into account the gap. has a link to some sites that have elaborated on it. Furthermore, has a way to contact all of there representatives to tell them what they should do about space, and I think that unless we are speaking up, we might as well not be paying attention. is where current information is paired with the tools to make a difference
BetaCygni said…
I did some searching and found this:

Doesn't sound like he supports putting humans in space to me. He is only for "development" of Orion.

Clinton is much better on Space.

Obama is out for anyone who supports human exploration of the solar system. His plan to increase to 10 years the amount of time NASA isn't putting humans in space is a non-starter and I suspect that Congress won't allow it if Obama becomes president.
John Benac said…
I totally agree. All of the candidates lack the firm vigor or commiting increased funding. The most important thing now is to put pressure on all of them to dig deeper in their policy. They have it developed, but dont want to commit to it until the pressure builds.

go to and put the pressure on both Hillary and Barack to step up their space talk.

Do it by sending them an email. Do it by sending a fax. Do it by going to where they are tonight in Nevada and telling them in person. Call their campaign. is where it's coming together.

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